Your Friendly, Local Internet Provider
We offer Internet solutions for Residential, Business & Rural Communities
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Meet our Partners

Our Solutions
We offer a wide range of services and we are confident they will fit your needs.
- Wireless network
- Fibre/Copper connections
- VoIP Phone Systems
- Network
- Server hosting
- Website hosting
See where we live!
The views from our network towers are amazing and we would love to share those experiences with you!
Looking for Fibre? Got a question?
What impacts speed?
The Fibre network, like broadband over ADSL, is shared with other properties within your Local Fibre Company (LFC) and Retail Service Provider (RSP) networks. Speeds will vary depending on how many people are on the network at the same time, both in your house and in general, on the Internet. This is also true for overseas networks when accessing content, such as websites or streaming video. Content such as web pages and videos are stored on ‘content servers’ so you can access them via your internet connection. Content servers within New Zealand and overseas can reduce the rate (bandwidth) at which you access their content (for instance, when they are very busy), this affects the time it takes to download content and thus your speed. If connecting via a Wi-Fi router, the connection can be impacted by environmental factors like other wireless devices in the house (such as mobile or digital phones) and even your neighbours’ Wi-Fi connection. The speed capacity of the devices you are connecting with may be a limitation, for instance, the age of their Wi-Fi adapter. Other hardware and software components can also limit the processing of bandwidth and thus your speed. The most reliable connection and faster speeds will be achieved by connecting devices directly to your modem via high-speed Ethernet wiring instead of using Wi-Fi.
How do I prepare for fibre?
If you live in an area that already has (or soon will have) fibre installed, and you’re keen on getting it connected at your place, it’s important to consider a few things before you sign up.
What if I have existing equipment at my property (Alarms: Security, Fire, Medical) or my fax?
If you currently have equipment at your property that uses the internet (such as alarm systems, faxes and medical alarms) you will need to ensure they can work over a new fibre connection. We are already working on fibre products that will make it easier for existing equipment to run over fibre.
What is the standard installation process?
Sign up for a 24-month contract, and we’ll do this for free. There’s also a no-contract option, which costs $199 for the installation, you can supply your own router, or we will supply a Fibre router for an additional cost of $249.00. The standard fibre installation should suit most New Zealand homes, and requires a technician from your Local Fibre Company to carry out work at your house. They will make sure you understand what’s required, and won’t start any work unless you’re happy with what’s proposed. It includes all the work needed to connect your home to the fibre running down the street. This includes:
- Installing the fibre cable from the street through to your home (up to 200m of cabling from the roadside curb to the house).
- Installing and connecting the necessary equipment outside and inside the home (shown in the diagram below).
- Making sure the fibre service is running and disconnecting the copper broadband.
The Local Fibre Company staff will do their best to minimize any impact on grassed areas, and if hard surfaces are affected, they will be resealed.
Who are the Local Fibre Companies?
There are four Local Fibre Companies (LFCs) rolling out fibre across New Zealand: Chorus, North Power, Ultra-Fast Fibre, and Enable. In Southland it is Chorus
What if I live outside of the current chorus Fibre area?
Give us a call, we have installed many new Fibre connections.
By extending the Fibre to your property you can enjoy the benefits Fibre offers.
Talk to your neighbours and share the experience and any costs.
We also have a range of wireless internet options around the southland region.
Let’s chat!
If you want faster Internet or to customise your service further, just give us a call!
Our friendly staff are always up for a chat.
Physical Address
18 Bond Street Invercargill
Postal Address
Velocitynet P.O. Box 5153 Waikiwi
Business Hours
Monday to Friday
8:30AM – 5PM
Support: 03 218 4489
Accounts: 03 215 4026
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